Al Wynn


Environmental Trap

This book Environmental Trap is a testimony of my experiences that I lived while growing up in the streets, on the south side of Chicago. I witnessed first-hand, through sight and interaction with people; whose lives became entangled in different types of lifestyles, as a means of survival.

I learned ways of making a living, by exploiting myself, as well as others; in order to maintain and thrive in this environment. I was able to cover myself by involving and befriending people in the environment, in my life. Once I established a bond with these powerful people: I was considered by them as almost a family member, whom they would not allow anyone to harm or misuse (example: head gang members, head Mafia leaders in Chicago, aldermen, judges, and lawyers also befriended me).

In my book, I want to reveal the entrapment that I experienced as a young boy, naive, who became prey to elderly street women. They changed my whole life around. All of a sudden, I had everything that I needed and I was introduced to the vicious street life. Finding myself entrapped in a lifestyle that was dangerous…it gave me satisfaction, as well as a sense of security.

One of the main reasons that I’ve written this book is to show young girls and boys some of the types of holes that they can fall into in the streets. When they run away from home it’s not easy. I want to reveal to them that it is dangerous and horrible when you don’t have the experience to survive on your own and you have to depend on others, who may cause you to lose your life.

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Repetitious Occurrences of My Life

My book Repetitious Occurrences of My Life focuses on a few of the relationships in which, I was involved with elderly street women. In this book, I had gotten involved in a relationship with an elderly lady. I didn’t plan this relationship. It just kinda sneaked up on me. Ever since I ran away from home at the age of seventeen, the streets became my teacher. I saw the gullibility of women and the lying and deceitfulness of men. Being a young man, these things crowded my mind and directed my steps towards corruption. It seemed as though I couldn’t control my actions, because of the repeated episodes that entered my life. I couldn’t break away from it, so I played the part, as it represented itself to me; in hopes that one day I could break away. It becomes complicated when you’re in this compromising position. I have my agenda, which is obtaining financial gain; and she has hers. She may be lonely for a man of her own; for example, or there may be other reasons for her interest, who knows! Either way….. we are both getting satisfaction from the involvement!

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Trials and Tribulations of Life: Book One

My book Repetitious Occurrences of My Life focuses on a few of the relationships in which, I was involved with elderly street women. In this book, I had gotten involved in a relationship with an elderly lady. I didn’t plan this relationship. It just kinda sneaked up on me. Ever since I ran away from home at the age of seventeen, the streets became my teacher. I saw the gullibility of women and the lying and deceitfulness of men. Being a young man, these things crowded my mind and directed my steps towards corruption. It seemed as though I couldn’t control my actions, because of the repeated episodes that entered my life. I couldn’t break away from it, so I played the part, as it represented itself to me; in hopes that one day I could break away. It becomes complicated when you’re in this compromising position. I have my agenda, which is obtaining financial gain; and she has hers. She may be lonely for a man of her own; for example, or there may be other reasons for her interest, who knows! Either way….. we are both getting satisfaction from the involvement!

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Saidiya E. McKittrick
Saidiya E. McKittrick
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This book here is a masterpiece of literary honesty, with poems that will touch your inner self and insurgent desires. I'm rating it five stars!
Pamela Chestnut
Pamela Chestnut
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The lines in the poems have left a mark in my head. The book offers a positive mindset and enables one to deal with pain and loneliness the right way. The book offers comfort to those needing it the most.
Mary Ann D. Pockell
Mary Ann D. Pockell
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This book is a true reflection of every single aspect of life in its truest and honest form. It invites readers to cry and laugh matched with a selfexamination.. This book may seem like a journey of one man but in a poetic lifestyle.
Jannilyn D. Stoeffel
Jannilyn D. Stoeffel
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Prepare to be inspired and surprised by this book. Osindele is a great writer and this book is simply his masterpiece. The poems are illuminating and sometimes heartbreaking but it tells all, it with bare truth. His writing is relatable.
Abigail V. Godfred
Abigail V. Godfred
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the poems are a universal symbol of human purpose and possibility… through this book your highest potential as an individual will manifest… the writing is profound and it's certainly worth your time

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